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The Art of Conscious Relationship
— CD 10 disc set
$20.00 $65.00CD

In November 2005, there was an exciting "gathering of the clan" in Bellevue, Washington. Over 50 Voice Dialogue facilitators and teachers from all over the world gathered to participate in - and to staff - this remarkable event. All in all, it was an amazing, exciting celebration of Hal and Sidra Stone's work and of the people who now use it.

This inspired three-day presentation of Hal and Sidra's work on Partnering Relationships to an enthusiastic audience was recorded live and is now available in this unique set of 10 CDs.

  • Hal and Sidra share their memories of over 30 years of work with relationship
  • "First ever" personal stories that help to trace the development of Voice Dialogue and the Psychology of Selves during the very earliest years
  • A complete presentation of what is meant by a Partnering Relationship
  • How to recognize - and move out of - the bonding pattern or default position in relationship
  • The importance of energetics and linkage in relationships!
  • The role of dreams in relationship.
  • Theory, demonstrations, dreams, anecdotes and more!

  • The Basic Elements of Voice Dialogue
    Voice Dialogue IntroductionVoice Dialogue IntroductionVoice Dialogue Introduction
    A Fireside Chat
    Article by Sidra Stone

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