Publications by Others


Body WalkBody Walk
by J. Tamar Stone

Take a walk with your body as Judith Tamar Stone guides you through a variety of inner body journeys. This CD of Body Walk Meditations is a compilation from Judith's Body Dialogue Training. These meditations will allow you to explore what your body is feeling and needing.

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Exploring Your Inner LandscapeTHROUGH THE DARK FOREST
Transforming Your Life in the Face of Death

This is a wonderfully compassionate, always practical, and profoundly reassuring guide to the end of life written by a truly Wise Woman, our friend and colleague, Carolyn Conger, PhD

Each of us travels through the “dark forest” at the end of our lives and there is no clear path to assure us that we are going in the proper direction.  Each of us must find our very own way to travel this last bit and, hopefully, each of us will be able to give meaning and shape to the story of our unique life’s journey.This book  helps us to do just that. Carolyn Conger, PhD,  is a healing presence - the perfect guide and companion for this part of life's journey. Simple and extremely practical - yet profound - hers is a book for those who  have found themselves, or their loved ones, facing death and are looking for some guidance about what to do next.  And - since we all face death - it is also for those of us who are facing the end of our lives in a less pressured way. As Carolyn says:  “The more we participate in writing the ending of our own story, the more satisfied we are with the arc of our life.”     

Through the Dark Forest is the distilled wisdom of a long and complex life. Dr. Conger brings with her a wealth of personal experience. She has - from a very early age - been an explorer of many worlds. She faced several of her own life-threatening health challenges; she worked with others within the traditional Western health care system becoming familiar with the practical aspects of terminal illness; she visited and lived with indigenous peoples of North America,  South America, Africa, Borneo, and New Zealand, experiencing firsthand their ways of dealing with life and death; and, as a consciousness teacher with a deep understanding of the transformational process, over the years, she guided thousands through life-affirming transformational processes using intuition, meditation, energy medicine, dreams, visualizations, Voice Dialogue, travel, and rituals.

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Application of "Voice Dialogue" Principles to Polarized Teams, Organizations, and World Affairs

by Ozlem Sarioglu, PCC, MTP

What do you do when a loved one does not hear you? How do you become a team with people who do not share your values? How do you handle a power game, when you do not want to play that game? What do you do to change the dynamics of a relationship with someone whose interest is vested on conflict rather than collaboration?

Today we are living in a world where polarization is more complex than ever. It is not only in the political sphere but also on the social, environmental, organizational and even on family level where we face conflict and polarization. In this volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous world, our disagreements in the workplace, within the family, among citizens or loved ones easily become polarized. Therefore, our past know-how on dealing with conflict is obsolete. We need to start approaching conflict and polarization with a new perspective.

The Voice Dialogue technique, which has been used in personal development and couple's therapy since 1980s, has the potential to offer this fresh perspective to the area of conflict resolution of complex systems. Ozlem Sarioglu guides us through the steps of applying this powerful technique to overcome polarization in teams, organizations, and world affairs. 

Ozlem Sarioglu's book provides guidance on the following:

  1. Role of vulnerability at the face of inner and outer conflict
  2. Rethinking your anger and judgements to redesign your responses
  3. How to cut the fuel of polarization and change the dynamic of your relationships
  4. Tools and techniques applicable to team coaching and conflict resolution based on Voice Dialogue methodology

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Exploring Your Inner LandscapeThe Inner Eater Selves
Integrating the Parts of Personality Involved in Overeating

by Yolanda Koumidou-Vlesmas

The book describes how patterns of either over or under eating develop into Primary Selves and begin to dominate how, when and what one eats. It offers a psycho-spiritual approach to finding and maintaining one's Natural Weight through developing an ongoing dialogue with these inner eaters.

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Exploring Your Inner LandscapeAn Introduction to Voice Dialogue:
Finding the Benefit of People Who Bug You

by J'aime ona Pangaia

This overview of Voice Dialogue contains new material for both first time readers and experienced teachers of the Psychology of the Aware Ego. It has a step by step description ofhow to do the  'Who Bugs You" exercise including the positive and negative shadows of our disowned and primary selves, case examples of selves, an examination of how archetypal opposites in nature express through the psyche (Principles of Nature and Psyche) and a clear teaching on the relationship between power selves, vulnerable selves and basic needs and further teachings on the inner critic. For new teachers of Voice Dialogue, this book offers a number of helpful teaching diagrams. Hal and Sidra Stone generously wrote the Forward of this book.

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Body WalkMe, my selves and I
by Karin Brugman, Judith Budde, Berry Collewijn

In Me, My Selves and I, the authors invite you to look at yourself in a different light and to consider yourself as a person composed of not one, but of an entire collection of selves. You have different sides, parts or subpersonalities which all see the world with different sets of eyes. They each have their own habits, feelings and thoughts.

This is a fun and enlightening way of looking at yourself and it offers a number of advantages. It will provide you with an understanding of how your behavior works and why it is sometimes ineffective. You will also learn how you can turn your behavior around. It will also become clear to you why some people immediately attract you and others do not. This book was written for anyone who wants to know themselves better and for professionals who want to become acquainted with Voice Dialogue

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Body DialogueSelves in Action
How different parts of us inform and influence our daily lives.
by John Kent

A Pusher, Pleaser, Romantic, Perfectionist, Critic, Judge….. each of us is made up of many selves or parts. Some we know very well, some we may have had glimpses of and others are hidden away in the shadows. Selves in Action is a commentary on one man's life. Sharing his experience of his many and diverse selves, John gives us insight into our own condition and how the different parts of us inform and influence our daily lives

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Becoming Who You AreBecoming Who You Are
with the Intelligence of Self
by Pierre Cauvin & Geneviève Cailloux

The Intelligence of Self has emerged from over 30 years of practice in coaching and training and has proven to be effective, powerful and rewarding for individuals and corporations alike.

    It offers:
  1. a map of the psyche
  2. a compass with which to Navigate the Psyche
  3. and a methodology to walk the talk which combines Jungian Psychological Types, Voice Dialogue, creative visualization and several other methods in a unique blend.
    It enables us to:
  1. truly know ourselves so that we can make wise choices.
  2. live our life fully in each of our different life phases.
  3. discover and integrate our disowned parts which lie hidden within the Psyche.
  4. develop our ability to recognize and embrace our internal opposites and manage paradox without feeling unduly stressed.
  5. establish and maintain better relationships with others.
The training process for consultants using the TIOS approach was awarded in 2012 the European Quality Award from the European Mentoring and Coaching Council.

22,90 €
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Conversations with Wise Women Who Are Reshaping the Future
by Karen Sands

"The same women who worked to shatter the glass ceiling are now soaring beyond the silver ceiling, and in doing so, they are leaving a visionary legacy for generations to come." This book includes an in-depth conversation with Sidra Stone as one of the women visionaries who share their no-holds-barred inspirational points of view on growing older boldly, wisely, and visibly as they work towards reshaping the future for all. Karen Sands, ICF Master Certified Coach, Transformational Gerontologist, and Professional Futurist has gathered insightful, inspirational, truthful conversations with innovators, activists, artists, teachers, healers, and leaders - women who have stepped beyond society-imposed (and self-imposed) limitations on women and expectations about how we should age and who we should be in our fifties, sixties, seventies, eighties, and beyond.

$19.99 (also available in eBooks)
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The Self behind the Symptom: How Shadow Voices Heal Us
by Judith Hendin, Ph.D.

Behind body symptoms, a hidden self is calling for us to discover it. This new inner self provides exactly what we need. It offers healing beyond measure.

"Judith Hendin has developed a profound and effective method for hearing the messages our bodies are trying to give us. She is a wonderful healer whose work I highly recommend."-  Shakti Gawain

"We wholeheartedly recommend Judith Hendin’s work. Her rich background has enabled her to give to us a fascinating, creative, and transformative new way to think about our physical challenges - or symptoms. The Self behind the Symptom is clear and easy to understand. Reading it will help you decipher - and respond to - the unique message that the self behind your symptom is trying to send you." -  Drs. Hal and Sidra Stone

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LASTING TransformationLASTING Transformation
by Abby Rosen, Ph.D.

The road map outlined in LASTING Transformation gives specific guidance for this journey. It offers important insights and effective strategies for developing a strong self, fulfilling relationships, and deep soul-wisdom. Drs. Hal and Sidra Stone wrote the Foreword to the book. The principles of "Voice Dialogue, Relationship, and the Psychology of Selves" are woven throughout the book.

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LASTING TransformationThe Ark Within vol.I
by Adelheid Oesch

A Transformative Guide to Inner Peace, Now Available to English Readers
In The Ark Within, Adelheid Oesch, founder of the Voice Dialogue Workshop in Lausanne, Switzerland (established in 1993), offers a poetic and moving journey of self-discovery. Drawing on her inspirational training with Drs. Hal and Sidra Stone, Adelheid integrates spiritual insight with the psychology and practice of ‘Voice Dialogue’, inviting readers to welcome their inner selves as a "Living Noah's Ark”.
The Ark Within invites us to embrace all aspects of our being - emotions, sensations, thoughts, and images - in a three-dimensional "Aware Self process" that transcends duality. The "Ark" then becomes a sacred space of presence where every part of the inner and outer world can be acknowledged, sheltered, and nurtured.

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LASTING TransformationThe Ark Within vol.II - Exercise Manual
by Adelheid Oesch

This workbook complements The Ark Within, providing clear practices for healing core wounds by re-parenting your inner child with unconditional love and active self-relating. It also helps resolve inner conflicts by balancing your "power selves," embracing your "vulnerable selves," and integrating your "disowned selves." Finally, this book facilitates awakening to your Essential Nature, recognizing your infinite creative potential and radiant consciousness beyond all subpersonalities.

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The Journey of a PriestThe Journey of a Priest
by Fr. Bill Whittier

Fr. Bill has been called a "soul shaker" and a "world changer" - he is someone who can bring to others a new way of looking at life without losing the priceless treasures of tradition. Instead of separating himself from his church and his calling, Bill simply learned to sing his own song within the context of the church and what a song it has been.

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The Journey of a PriestThe Perfect Relationship
by Astra Niedra

In a simple and practical 10-step format, this ebook gives you the most exciting and unique ideas on how relationships work, ideas that will transform your life if you have a desire to more deeply understand yourself, your partner, and the process of relating.

The Perfect Relationship explains how people connect with one another, it explains the unconscious bonding patterns relationships are based on and it shows how to become aware of your bonding patterns and navigate them. You'll gain a deeper understanding of why communication can be so frustrating and you'll discover how to communicate with your partner more effectively. 

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The Journey of a PriestThe Greatest Relationship Secret
by Astra Niedra

An introduction to the idea of selves for those who are not familiar with Voice Dialogue, with an explanation of bonding patterns using an example of a couple with some common relationship issues. 

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The Journey of a PriestWhich Self Are You?
by Astra Niedra

This light-hearted overview of 45 selves , including the Pleaser, Perfectionist, Responsible Parent, Achiever, Spiritual Seeker, Procrastinator, Adventurer, Princess, Creative, Playful Child, Vulnerable Child, Rebel, Critic, Patriarch, the Wise self and many more, includes an explanation of the Psychology of Selves. 

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The Journey of a PriestVoice Dialogue in Everyday Life: A Do-It-Yourself manual
by Joy Manné

Usually our personality is a confusion of contradictory impulses. We both want something and we don’t want it. We love and we hate the same person. We despair of ever understanding ourselves. The solution is to become literate about our personality. Hal and Sidra Stone developed the Voice Dialogue technique that enables us to interview the different parts of our personality as if they were individual people. Through it we learn to understand their conflicts and we submit their desires to the overall control of our Aware Ego. Awareness is always the solution to life’s challenges.
This is the first Do-It-Yourself Voice Dialogue manual.

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Arte of NowThe Intelligence of the Psyche: How to Find its Hidden Order
by Artho Wittemann

Artho Witteman is an adventurous explorer of the psyche: a curious scientist, a ground-breaking psychologist, and a spiritual seeker of meaning. And he brings to all his thinking, a philosopher's over-arching view of the human condition.

As early teachers of Artho Witteman, we applaud his work. We have always regarded our own pioneering work with the inner selves that make up the human psyche as an 'open source' contribution to understanding the depths and complexity of an individual's inner world and we are happy to see where others have taken this material and built upon it. We are happy to say that the Individual Systemics developed by Artho and his wife, Veeta, is a noteworthy contribution to the field of depth psychology.

The Intelligence of the Psyche introduces the reader to parts psychology and the depths of human consciousness that can be accessed through these inner selves. In it, he brings an elegant order to the natural complexity of the human psyche. With great clarity - and a sense of the natural self-organizing qualities of the human psyche - he guides the reader on a fascinating exploration of the evolution of this inner world. Using guideposts, categories, and maps, he shows the order that can be perceived in this chaos and gives the reader ways to detect, catalogue, and interpret, this order.

Perhaps best of all are the fascinating vignettes liberally scattered throughout the book that clearly illustrate this underlying order. We meet sympathetic human beings - all easily recognizable - and it is through their experiences and stories that we perceive the reality and richness of this remarkable system!

ISBN 978-1543291964  |  264 pages  |  $ 23,00
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Arte of NowLove and Logic of the Soul: the Architecture of Human Nature
by Artho Wittemann

Love and Logic of the Soul follows upon Artho Witteman's earlier work, The Intelligence of the Psyche. It is a lyrical, flowing, and fascinating exploration of the field of depth psychology leading up to - and contributing to - Witteman's current psychological system. The historical aspects of this exploration include a proper respect for the creative genius of early innovators of parts psychology - including Freud, Jung, Assagioli and others. There is a clear sense of both the positive contributions and the limitations of each. And he comes to the conclusion that "to this day no model of the psyche has been found that meets two main requirements: the explanation of all psychological phenomena in a coherent overarching system and the direct verifiability of the model in practice."

In Love and Logic of the Soul - through example and discussion - he presents the basic psychological and spiritual tenets of his "Theory of Inner Sources". The central claim is that we cannot understand the inner parts properly, if we define them by what they say (content), what they do (behavior), where they are (position) or what the mean for the system (function). In a systematic approach that leads beyond these factors we should arrive at what he calls the "essential nature" of every part. Consequently, he finds new and surprising definitions of the terms Ego, Complexes, Archetypes and the very parts that make up the inner system we call the psyche.

It is a thoughtful and thorough contribution of an overarching system to the field of parts psychology. It brings a sense of order to the complexities of the psyche and the soul and provides us with a blueprint of the architecture of human nature - a presentation that is designed to touch that which is deeply human in each of us. This is an excellent and readable presentation of extremely complex material. As this model is utilized in ongoing practice we will be able to determine its place in this field of psychology.

Sidra Stone, PhD & Hal Stone, PhD
Clinical Psychologists
Creators of Voice Dialogue and the Psychology of Selves & the Aware Ego
Authors of 'Embracing Our Selves'

Artho S. Wittemann | ISBN 978-1519794499 | 352 pages | $ 24,70
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Arte of NowARTE OF NOW:
Practice of Immediacy in the Arts

There is no need to wait for inspiration or to endure creative blocks: it's all right here, right now. Arte of Now: Practice of Immediacy in the Arts™ will help you energize your creative flow to work more freely and effectively.

Arte of Now: Practice of Immediacy in the Arts™ describes a technique that allows life to guide you in creating art. Discover how the boundless space of  Now offers everything needed to create dynamic and intimate works of art. Whether you are a novice or professional, this approach will deepen creative intuition for visual artists, dancers, musicians, writers.

"The outcome is not the piece, it's you. You are teaching yourself to open wide, to dance. When a creative flow is present, follow it......enjoy. When it's done, is another surface ready to capture the unfiltered moment? No matter what media, these are snapshots of Now."   --- book excerpt 

Arte of Now: Practice of Immediacy in the Arts™ will help you rethink creativity. With 45 pages of vibrant examples, this simple process will provide you with the tools you need to unleash your unique creative flow.

"Nicolee McMahon offers us a mature integration and mastery of spiritual practice and creative expression. Grounded in years of meditation practice, she presents a simple yet dynamic approach to unleashing creativity by accessing openness, not leaving anything out, and living in the moment. PIA will appeal to a broad range of people, from novices curious about their own creativity to those already adept at creative expression." 

Wendy Nakao, Roshi, Abbot and Head Teacher, Zen Center of Los Angeles

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The Journey of a PriestChristianity and Nature-based Spirituality:
A Shamanic Journey Through The Medicine Wheel

by Lillie Foley Rowden

Encounter with Nature-based Spirituality, as interpreted through the Medicine Wheel and other indigenous practices, profoundly expanded the author’s Christian spiritual base. Out of these experiences developed a distinctive approach to spirituality. This book explores four premises: First, the integration of Christianity and Nature-based Spirituality impacts one’s life path and spiritual belief system, yet transcends and includes both traditions. Second, this integration is relevant to a ministry for the spiritual, psychological, emotional, physical growth and healing of individuals and groups by utilizing the author’s form of integrated Nature-based Spirituality, leadership skills and mentoring tools. Third, the expansion of ideas and beliefs address the practical and spiritual purposes of sustaining the earth in the current planetary crises. Fourth, Jesus can be identified in his social role as a shaman.

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psychology of the selves

The Basic Elements of Voice Dialogue
Voice Dialogue IntroductionVoice Dialogue IntroductionVoice Dialogue Introduction
A Fireside Chat
Article by Sidra Stone

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