Integrating the Shadow
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Integrating the Shadow

The most profound spiritual challenge of our time
by Dr. Hal Stone — mp3 Audio Talk

“Each disowned self becomes a heat-seeking missile that comes back to attack us until we see it, own it, and integrate it. But integrating it does not mean that we become it.” — Hal Stone, Ph.D.

When people think of the shadow, they usually think of the darker aspects of the shadow – the selves in us that are not acceptable to ourselves or to the culture that surrounds us.

This vintage Hal Stone workshop recorded in the early nineteen-eighties brings us a picture of his thinking about working with this aspect of the shadow. At that time, Hal referred to these particular selves as ‘daemonic’. He saw them as basically natural instinctual energies which were disowned (or repressed) over time. Later, as the generally accepted negative connotations of the term ‘daemonic’ became problematical and we saw that it distracted from the actual message, we gradually discontinued using it. The basic concepts haven’t changed over the years, but the language has.

As Hal would put it: “Daemonic energies are simple natural instinctual energies which have been disowned over time. In this disowning process, these energies are relegated to the dungeons of the psyche where they fester, grow larger and out of control until, in fact they do become daemonic. They then operate within us and through us in ways that we know nothing about.”

These energies can be transformed when they are truly seen and honored. They are not transformed by our attempts to be loving and they are often enraged when we try to eliminate them by thinking only good thoughts. Becoming aware of, and learning to integrate, these disowned instinctual energies is the subject of this one day workshop. In it, Hal examines these disowned – or shadow – selves in dreams, myths, fairy tales, daydreams and anecdotes. And he addresses some cultural considerations as well.

  • CHAPTER ONE — Defining the Deamonic (1:18min)

  • CHAPTER TWO — How the Shadow is Related to the Primary Selves (1:30min)

  • CHAPTER THREE — The Shadow in Myths, Dreams, and Fairy Tales (2:24min)

Hal Stone was a true master teacher of this subject. Enjoy!
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