Trina Swerdlow, BFA, CCHT

Trina Swerdlow
199 E. Linda Mesa, Suite 3
Danville, CA


I love sharing practical tools that empower people, and help them move toward their personal and professional goals. Psychospiritual work has been life-changing for me personally and I am grateful to pass on important tools to others. Hypnotherapy, Voice Dialogue, and Sand Play work are several modalities that I offer.

I'm a Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist, an Artist, a nondenominational Minister, and the Author of "Stress Reduction Journal: Meditate and Journal Your Way to Better Health." I have over twenty-five years of personal meditation experience and am a contributing writer (monthly) for ALIVE magazine. My magazine column offers education and inspiration for a variety of topics, including weight loss, stress management, life transition, and creativity.

In addition to my private practice, I teach workshops at John Muir Women's Health Center in Walnut Creek, California. I teach a workshop, "Managing Emotional and Compulsive Eating" throughout the year.

The tools that I soulfully share with clients address the mind, body, and spirit.


Detailed information

About This Practice

Practicing Since 2003

Areas of Interest: Stress reduction and weight loss. I often assist people in identifying and balancing their powerful and vulnerable selves/energies. Developing a healthy "inner family" as well as connecting to instinctual energies (power animals) is also a major part of my work. And, as an artist, I love working with people to help them move beyond their blocks--toward their deliciously flowing creativity.

Type Granting Organization Date
CCHT HCH Institute 2004
Professional Background
Methods I use in my private practice include hypnosis, creative visualization, Voice Dialogue, meditation, NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming), spiritual consulting, regression, psychosynthesis, assertive communication training, sandplay, and Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT).

In 2003 I completed over 40 hours of training with Voice Dialogue Facilitator, Deborah Morris, L.C.S.W. Deborah has been extensively trained by Hal and Sidra Stone.
Basic Voice Dialogue Training(s)
TitleWhereWhenHours / DaysTeacher(s)
Voice Dialogue Level One TrainingsMill Valley, CA, USA04/2003-12/200340 hoursDeborah Morris, LCSW
PsychosynthesisLafayette, CA, USA06/2004-09/2004John Thatcher, MA, PhD



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