Tamara Yates, MDiv, ThM

The Voice Dialogue Path
Corvallis, OregonUnited States

About This Practice
Practicing Since 2013 Additional Modalities: In the Transformational Arts Program (and subsequent dream work studies) I also trained in archetypal studies, dream work, and creative expression, all of which I bring into my sessions. Areas of Interest: As a facilitator, I am most passionate about modeling and helping my clients develop the capacity to behold their selves in the spaciousness of awareness without judgment or attempting to change those selves. I have witnessed the power of this spacious acknowledgment and it's impact on my own selves, both when it is my teacher J'aime who is beholding them and when I find the capacity to offer this to them as well. There is a kind of ease that can emerge, in which the self relaxes and experiences itself as belonging to the wholeness of life. * The most recent workshops.
With my background in ministry and my experiences on my own spiritual journey, I can also support people who are working through issues of spiritual identity.
MDiv, ThM
Baptist Theological Seminary at Richmond, Union Theological Seminary
1995, 1996
Professional Background My early training was in ministry and in that I discovered a passion for pastoral care. I found that I loved to listen to people and speak openly with them about their experience. I utilized these gifts in ministry work with youth and seniors at Baptist churches in Charlottesville, Virginia and Atlanta, Georgia.
Later, my journey took me to a L'Arche community in Portland, Oregon. I lived there for two years as an assistant, or live-in caregiver, with four lovely adults who experience intellectual disability. These friends taught me even more about staying present with vulnerability in myself and others.
Over the years, my spiritual identity shifted significantly and I am no longer connected with the Baptist church. Nevertheless, I still have a deep sense of connectedness with the unseen realm that I nurture on a daily basis.
In the last 10 years, I have also developed a deep love for all things Jungian, which ultimately led me to the practice and study of Voice Dialogue.
Title Where When Hours / Days Teacher(s) Transformational Arts Program Portland, OR, USA 12/2011 - 10/2013 404 hours/ 2 years J'aime ona Pangaia 100 sessions facilitated pro bono Eugene, OR and Portland, OR, USA 01/2014 - 01/2015 150-200 hours over the course of a year I received supervision regularly from J'aime ona Pangaia
Title Where When Hours / Days Teacher(s) Voice Dialogue Facilitator Training Seattle, WA, USA April - September, 2018 Three 4-day training sessions & 10 Teleconferences to work with facilitation questions, dreams, and additional teaching. Miriam Dyak and Cassandra Cosme de Pree Facilitator's Practicum Portland, OR, USA 05/2014, 08/2014. 03/2015, 12/2015 1 wkend each time, average of 15 hours/wkend J'aime ona Pangaia