Rebecca R Riales

Rebecca R Riales
809 - 30th St., #2
Parkersburg, WV
United States


About This Center
My services for individual one-on-one psychotherapy are provided two 10-hour days per week (Tuesdays and Wednesdays) at Schwabe & Associates, a private behavioral health clinic. We are staffed by approximately ten therapists, plus other professional staff including Psychiatrists, Physician Assistants, Nurse Practitioners, assistants to the professionals, and the ancillary staff of those who function in the roles of receptionists, chart handlers, insurance processors, maintenance, etc.

We are located in Parkersburg, WV, which is a town of approximately 40,000, on the far western edge of the state, approximately two hours southeast of Columbus, Ohio. The town is situated on the banks of the Ohio River, which happens to serve as the state line between WV and OH. This region is called the Mid-Ohio Valley.

I have been a Licensed Professional Counselor since the mid-1990s. The principles of what I sometimes call PSVD, i.e., the Psychology of Selves and Voice Dialogue method, inform all my interactions, whether for a simpler counseling approach or a deeper psychotherapeutic approach.
In the mid-1990s I was incredibly blessed to be able to experience three training intensives with the brilliant developers of this model and methodology, viz., Drs. Hal & Sidra Stone. The trainings were held at their home and property in Mendocino County north of San Francisco, CA. These were life-changing, transformative experiences!

Although my total devotion my preferred spiritual path informs all my psychotherapeutic work, and indeed my entire life, it does so in powerful ways that do not necessitate verbalizing.

It is fair to say that each day of my life ever since my trainings with Hal & Sidra, both personally and professionally, has been infused with this utterly magnificent paradigm and its infinite implications and ramifications for an ever more enriched life and ever richer relationships of all kinds. I can’t praise it enough, nor begin to express my gratitude in words equal to the experience of knowing Hal & Sidra.

BTW my other half-time business combines personal development with the creation of exponentially growing income, *The Health & Wellness $7/day Rapid Retirement Program.* I worked as a PhD Clinical Nutritionist at a medical school for 17 years before becoming a psychotherapist, so I have expertise for helping people in both domains. “Doing well while doing good” is a career path filled with meaning and purpose. It enables people to create personal freedom while helping others do the same. If you’d like to explore it, drop me a line at


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