Phyllis Carrera, MS, LAPC

Phyllis Carrera

Atlanta, GA


A compassionate, creative counselor, coach and facilitator, Phyllis serves individuals in transition and women in recovery seeking to let go of old identities and outworn habits, embrace all of who they are, and create authentic lives and healthy relationships.


Detailed information

About This Practice

Practicing Since 2001
Title/Field School Date
MS, LAPC Georgia State University 2010
Title State Date
LAPC Georgia 2010
Type Granting Organization Date
CRC Commission on Rehabilitation Counseling Certification 2010
Professional Background
Phyllis’ skills have been shaped by a diverse 30-year career in the fields of human development, education, and business, but according to her, “the most important training for this profession has been the work I’ve done on myself. After years of feeling stuck, I took a leap of faith, quit my corporate job, sold my home, and traveled solo around the world. It freed me to live an authentic life, and that is exactly what I wish for my clients.” Upon returning from her travels in 1998, Phyllis established HumanArts, a coaching and consulting practice dedicated to helping people integrate their whole potential and live joyful, productive lives. She received the designation of Master Certified Coach in 2006. Phyllis completed her M.S. in Rehabilitation Counseling from Georgia State University and achieved the designation of Certified Rehabilitation Counselor and Licensed Associate Professional Counselor in 2010.
Basic Voice Dialogue Training(s)
TitleWhereWhenHours / DaysTeacher(s)
Voice Dialogue, Level I & IIDenver, CO, USA2001 / 2003Francesca Starr & Judith Stone

* The most recent workshops.



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