Nancy Young, Ph.D.

Nancy Young

Pathways to Wellness

2845 Mesa Verde Drive E, Suite 8
Costa Mesa, California

(714) 432-9856

I’m passionate about psychology and believe the Voice Dialogue, Psychology of Selves, and Aware Ego process provides the clearest and most elegant model available for personal growth, consciousness, and transformation. It is certainly the best model I know for examining and coming to terms with conflict, regardless of whether the conflict is internal or interpersonal!

Since the work of therapy, itself, can seem pretty daunting, I prefer to work in more casual (than formal) surroundings. My office resembles a comfortable living room/library and my two, allergy-friendly, standard, chocolate Labradoodles come to work with me every day. I suspect that they may be more curative than I am, and since their grooming and dog food are expensive, it is only right that their efforts earn a percentage of my fees.

Because I love teaching and mentoring and working with others, I currently supervise a Marriage & Family Therapy Intern and a Social Work Intern. In addition, my practice includes a friend who is also a Clinical Psychologist who supervises an additional Social Work Intern, and we have a Certified Neurofeedback Specialist on staff with us as well.

Offering Continuing Education Credits

Detailed information

About This Practice

Practicing Since 1991
Teaching Since 1994

Title/Field School Date
Ph.D. University of California, Riverside 1986
Title State Date
PSY 11961 California 1991
Type Granting Organization Date
Gottman Couples Therapist & ASL Workshop Leader Gottman Relationship Institute 2007
Gottman Therapy Level I Teacher Gottman Relationship Institute 2010
Professional Background
I have nearly 30 years experience specializing in therapy with adult individuals, couples, and groups, using a number of different approaches, such as Voice Dialogue, Gottman Method Couples Therapy, and EMDR. I was originally trained in Cognitive-Behavioral therapy and have taken training in Emotion-Focused and Imago therapies, as well. I’m certified in EMDR and in Gottman Couple’s Therapy and am a certified Art & Science of Love (Gottman) Workshop Leader and Gottman Method Level I Teacher. I use a holistic/transpersonal approach.

Recent past workshops have included: Meet Your Selves—Voice dialogue, aware ego, & psychology of selves, Standing at The Crossroads—The psychology of selves in transition, Romantic Relationships—A traveler’s guide, Gottman Method Couples Therapy—An introduction, Women & Sexuality, Kindly Assertive Communication Skills—Setting boundaries with grace and softened startup.

For 20 years, I was an Adjunct Professor at Chapman University, teaching Introduction to Psychology, Interpersonal Attraction & Romantic Love, Human Sexuality, Sexual Disorders & Treatment, Chemical Dependency Treatment, and other general psychology classes. My academic research interests have been in the areas of: romantic love — the differences between intense/compelling and secure/comfortable love experiences, behavioral self-reliance in women, and on the use of videotaped therapy in chemical dependency treatment.
Basic Voice Dialogue Training(s)
TitleWhereWhenHours / DaysTeacher(s)
Voice Dialogue Winter IntensiveLos Angeles, CA1991; 19924 days eachHal & Sidra Stone
Voice Dialogue Summer KampPhilo, CA6/21/1992 - 7/3/199264 contact hoursHal & Sidra Stone and various others
Intensive Level III TrainingAlbion, CA4/2005; 4/2006; 4/2007; 4/200836 contact hours each yearHal & Sidra Stone
Continuing Voice Dialogue Education*
TitleWhereWhenHours / DaysTeacher(s)
Voice Dialogue Study & Supervision GroupNewport Beach, CA1992-1994 weekly; 1996 bi-monthly3 hours/week; 3hours/bi-monthlyBetty Bosdell, Ph.D.
Body Dialogue Level IBoulder, CO9/20103 daysJ. Tamar Stone

* The most recent workshops.


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