Mary Disharoon, MA, LMFT

Mary Disharoon

Voice Dialogue California

222 Weller Street, #4
Petaluma, California


I discovered Voice Dialogue in 1994 and frankly, I’ve never looked back. I was fortunate to learn the Psychology of Selves theory and the Voice Dialogue method from the creators, Hal and Sidra Stone PhD’s. But as is usually the case, I’ve also learned from nearly every Voice Dialogue session I have either given or gotten.

I offer Voice Dialigue facilitations by phone to anyone living in California, as well as in-person sessions if you happen to live in or visit the San Francisco Bay Area.

People who have worked with me report that I have a warm, intelligent and down to earth style of relating. I’ve also received feedback that I can be a good fit when someone is new to Voice Dialogue.

Sometimes your working with me might be brief, as you resolve something quickly. And sometimes the work can be longer term, as you deepen into the growth process, and allow a journey of discovery and transformation to develop. I invite you to work with me in either way, depending on your own preferences.


Detailed information

About This Practice

Practicing Since 1995

Additional Modalities: I use a variety of other methods besides Voice Dialogue, including Conversational Talk-Therapy, Dream Work, and Sand Tray.

Areas of Interest: I work with adult clients, and most life and relationship issues.

Title/Field School Date
MA University of San Francisco 1997
Title State Date
LMFT California 2001
Professional Background
In 1994, I began my training in Voice Dialogue with the creators, Drs. Hal and Sidra Stone. In 1998, I became part of their senior staff, facilitating and teaching at their Voice Dialogue intensives in Albion, California. The full measure of this training and experience is listed in the boxes below.

I received my Master's degree in Counseling Psychology from the University of San Francisco in 1997, and, after acquiring 3000 practice hours and passing a written and oral exam, I received my California Marriage and Family Therapy license to practice psychotherapy in 2001.

In addition to my formal education and the learning that has come from working with my clients over the past 20 years, I draw upon my experience as a conscious partner in a 40 year marriage and as a mother of three grown children.

I have also learned invaluable lessons about living and loving through my own journey of healing and growth. I am personally familiar with the rewards of using therapy as a resource to help an individual and couple find their way through difficult times. I also have come to deeply appreciate how therapy can be a safe and creative place for someone to meet and embrace the inner selves that live in their unconscious, and by making them conscious, experience a new sense of wholeness.

Basic Voice Dialogue Training(s)
TitleWhereWhenHours / DaysTeacher(s)
Level I, Level II, and Level III - 5-day Delos IntensivesAlbion, California1994 - 2003 Student at 6 Delos Intensives, 216 hoursHal and Sidra Stone and staff
Continuing Voice Dialogue Education*
TitleWhereWhenHours / DaysTeacher(s)
Level II and Level III - 5-day Delos IntensivesAlbion, Californa 1998 - 2012 Senior Staff at 8 Delos Intensives, 360 hoursHal and Sidra Stone and fellow staff

* The most recent workshops.


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