Marcia Singer, MSW

Marcia Singer

Love Arts Foundation

630 Colonial Park Drive
Santa Rosa, CA
United States


I am able to embrace all our Selves, having gone to the depths, breadths and heights in reclaiming my own aliveness. I've discovered --and inducted -- hundreds of subpersonalities, and deciphered their inter-relationships. My strengths are my trust in Love, empathic nurture, resiliency, astute intuition, ability to sense and accurately read 'energies' and innovate endlessly to find answers, or pose better questions. I love shining deLight on our divinity, hidden often from first sight. I enjoy being an older, Wiser Woman, constantly expanding into joy and the Play of our Moments, Play being the universal language of Belonging, and a wondrous Spiritual Calling.

Languages Spoken: English (some French, Italian, Spanish )

Detailed information

About This Practice

Practicing Since 1992
Teaching Since 1992

Additional Modalities: Alchemical Hypnotherapy; Tantra; Shamanism; Expressive Arts; PlayWork; Original Pain Work/Recovery; Body Psychometry readings; Breathwork/Meditation; Bodywork; Voice Dialog Innovations: Journaling, Psych Hike, Animated Collage; VIbrational Sound Healing; Meditative Movement; Abraham Hicks

Areas of Interest: Joy in Awakening, Awareness. Skill in Inducting relevant "parts," their opposites and "cluster" pals. Innovation in ways to use V.D. concepts in the arts. Freeing Hearts to live joyful, original, vital and soulfully connected Ways.

Title/Field School Date
MSW UC Berkeley 1970
Type Granting Organization Date
C.Ht. ABH (1743) 1993, awards '93,01
Training completions Voice Dialogue Internatl 1990, 91
Professional Background
Masters in Clinical Social Work followed by 15 years as an internat'l singer-performer. Published a natl songwriter's tipsheet (80-96), three children's awareness primers ('89-91), freelanced for many New Thought and entertainment publications. Established Foundation For Intimacy in 1990 as an umbrella for workshops and private practice, specializing in sexual/ sensual wholeness, Deep Mascu/Fem, Recovery/Inner Child/Grief and ShadowWork, Hypnotherapy, Energy and Bodywork; adding Voice Dialogue, Dreamwork, Expressive Arts, my "Tantric Shamanism" & "Body Psychometry" in the following decade. I also facilitated metaphysical wisdom circles as an IONS member. Since 2000, have also worked P.T. designing and teaching creative courses for Older Adults at the college level, and in private senior communities --including directing a senior Improv group in Los Angeles. My current umbrella, Love Arts Foundation (LAF) was created in 2005.
Basic Voice Dialogue Training(s)
TitleWhereWhenHours / DaysTeacher(s)
Introduction to Voice DialogueLos Angeles1990 (best guess)1-2 daysHal and Sidra
Inroduction to Relationship EnergeticsLos Angeles1991 or 2 1-2 days Hal and Sidra
Voice Dialogue BasicsLos Angelesapprox. 1 year 1-2 times a monthRichard Lamm



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