Judith Hendin

Conscious Body & Voice Dialogue Institute
P.O. Box 1449Easton, PA
United States
During my love affair with Voice Dialogue, I developed two new modalities:
CONSCIOUS BODY & THE ENERGY MEDICINE OF SELVES: Conscious Body sees physical symptoms as a portal to deep inner work. Developed in the 1990s, Conscious Body focuses on body symptoms and diseases to gain access to the disowned “self behind the symptom” that fervently wants to be acknowledged.
Analysis of client outcomes over a ten-year period showed that Conscious Body helped 88% of clients to uncover a buried self behind the symptom—a discovery that revealed important unresolved inner issues in the clients’ lives. When the client accessed this buried self and allowed its pent-up energy to flow actively through the body, physical symptoms were mitigated and often resolved entirely. Of 144 symptoms reported at intake, 85% improved or disappeared.
Conscious Body is described in my book, The Self behind the Symptom: How Shadow Voices Heal Us.
The second new modality that emerged from my decades with Voice Dialogue is:
TRAUMA WORK BASED ON THE ENERGIES OF SELVES: In the world today there are many ways of working with trauma. This form of Trauma Work sees trauma through the lens of Voice Dialogue. It identifies the energies of particular selves that arise in the trauma process, such as the Gatekeeper, the Selves That Maintain Everyday Life, the Hurt Child (with its diverse energies), the Memory Reporter, the Skeptic/Doubter, and more. The principle of opposites—fundamental to Voice Dialogue—makes sense of conflicting feelings the client experiences along the way. This Trauma Work provides clarity, richness, depth, and empowerment in the trauma journey.
"Judith Hendin has developed a profound and effective method for hearing the messages our bodies are trying to give us. She is a wonderful healer whose work I highly recommend." – Shakti Gawain
"Judith Hendin is a senior facilitator who has worked with us for many years, both as staff and as a woman deeply committed to the process of self-discovery. Her teaching is excellent! We highly recommend her . . . We also wholeheartedly recommend her work with the body. Her rich background has enabled her to give us a fascinating, creative, and transformative new way to think about our physical challenges." – Hal and Sidra Stone
Languages Spoken: English, some French
Detailed information 

About This Practice
Practicing Since 1989
Teaching Since 1990
Group trainings, professional supervision, and individual sessions -- on Zoom, phone, and in-person
Additional Modalities:
Conscious Body & the Energy Medicine of Selves
Trauma Work Based on the Energies of Selves
Somatic Therapy
Dream Work
Areas of Interest:
Inner Patriarch and Matriarch – for women and men
Title/Field | School | Date | Ph.D. | Summit University | 1999 |
Type | Granting Organization | Date |
Somatic Therapist | ABMP | 1998 |
Professional Background |
CONSCIOUS BODY, TRAUMA WORK, AND VOICE DIALOGUE TRAININGS LED: — In Europe, 50 trainings — Belgium, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, and Slovenia (2009-2019) — At major consciousness centers in the US – Kripalu, Omega Institute, New York Open Center (2007-2013) — Many other trainings around the US (1990-2008) MEMBER OF STAFF FOR: — Shakti Gawain’s week-long Voice Dialogue Intensives – Hawaii, New York, California (1996-1999, 8 intensives) — Hal and Sidra Stone’s Summer Voice Dialogue Kamp – California (1995) — European Voice Dialogue Conference – Bergen, the Netherlands (2007) U.S. AND INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE PRESENTATIONS: — United States Association for Body Psychotherapy, Baltimore (2004) and Philadelphia (2008) — Voice Dialogue Conferences in the Netherlands (2007), New York City (2008), London (2010), Paris (2012 and 2019), and Colorado (2019) — Reflection and Action, the Netherlands (2008) — European Association for Body Psychotherapy Congress, Vienna, Austria (2010) — American Dance Therapy Association, New York City (2010) — Voice Dialogue Italia, Bologna (2012) — Crystal Mind Conference, Moscow, Russia (2016) SELECT PUBLICATIONS: — The Self Behind the Symptom: How Shadow Voices Heal Us. 2008. – The definitive book on the theory and practice of healing with inner selves, with over 80 case studies. — "The Self Behind the Symptom: The Energies of Inner Selves and Body Symptoms.” USA Body Psychotherapy Journal, 8(2), 21-30. NY: United States Association for Body Psychotherapy, 2009. – Research results on the effectiveness of healing with inner selves. — "Who’s Doing (Or Not Doing!) Your Exercise?" Voice Dialogue Newsletter # 1, (2006): 12-19. — Hendin, Judith, and Mihaly Cziksentmihalyi. “Measuring the Flow Experience in Rock Dancing.” In Cziksentmihalyi, Beyond Boredom and Anxiety. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1975. — Judith Hendin was on the original research team for Cziksentmihalyi’s landmark work about “Flow." BODY AND MOVEMENT BACKGROUND: — Nationally Certified Somatic Therapist — Body methods: Deep tissue, realignment, St. John, Healing Touch, Mitzvah (Alexander technique), Rehabilitative Body Therapy, and psyche-soma methods — Professional dancer and choreographer: Ballet and modern dance companies, including Pilobolus; created performances at ancient sacred sites in Europe; arts grants recipient and adjudicator EDUCATION — Ph.D., Somatic (Bodymind) Education (1999) — B.A., Cultural Anthropology, University of Chicago, Phi Beta Kappa (1974) — International Honors Program – Traveled around the world, to Japan, Hong Kong, Bali, Ceylon, India, Kenya, and Italy, with renowned anthropologist and cybernetics (systems) pioneer Gregory Bateson (1972) |
Title | Where | When | Hours / Days | Teacher(s) |
Voice Dialogue Summer Trainings | Philo, California | 1989 - 1995 | 90 days | Hal and Sidra Stone and international staff |
European Summer Training | The Netherlands | 1993 | 12 days | Hal and Sidra Stone and international staff |
Voice Dialogue Level III | Mendocino, California | 1996, 1998, 2000 | 18 days | Hal and Sidra Stone and staff |
Voice Dialogue Workshops | New York City Los Angeles West Virginia |
1992 - 1995 | 6 days | Hal and Sidra Stone |
Title | Where | When | Hours / Days | Teacher(s) |
Voice Dialogue International Convergences | New York City London Paris (twice) |
2008, 2010, 2012, 2019 | 16 days | Voice Dialogue colleagues |
US Convergences | Colorado | 2007, 2009, 2011, 2013, 2015, 2019 | 24 days | Voice Dialogue colleagues |
Ongoing Personal Sessions and Supervision | Internationally | 1990 - present | Countless | Many |