John Livingstone, M.D.,

J Tamar Stone

Gaffney and Livingstone

522 Commercial St.


I have found that human beings are an intergated organizm of body and mind and are organized into sub-personaliy parts or selves, plus an awareness function. I have a Self that believes it is important to help re-shape medical care according to the above prinicple.


Detailed information

About This Practice

Practicing Since 1999
Teaching Since 2002

Additional Modalities: Internal Family Systems (IFS)

Areas of Interest: Individual practice, public health, health care reform, health coaching.

Title State Date
physician Mass. 1962
Type Granting Organization Date
Child and Adolescent Psychiatry AAPSC 1966
Professional Background
Traditional training and child development, parent therapy and adult psychotherapy and with addtional training in Voice Dialogue, EMDR, Internal Family System Therapy.
Basic Voice Dialogue Training(s)
TitleWhereWhenHours / DaysTeacher(s)
medicine, psychiatry, child and adolescent psychiatryBoston1962-67full time for 5 years
Continuing Voice Dialogue Education*
TitleWhereWhenHours / DaysTeacher(s)
EMDR, IFSUS2001-20103 days every two months for 2 years

* The most recent workshops.



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