Jennifer Walton, MA, Psychology

Boulder, Colorado
My private practice includes Voice Dialogue, Nutrition, Biofeedback and a powerful process called SQi, (Spiritual Intelligence Assessment) an Integral theory-based emotional, cognitive, spiritual transformational tool for personal and professional development.I have been blessed to have found Voice Dialogue early in my personal and professional life. As an awareness tool and life practice, there is no other modality I can think of that empowers one to pursue their authenticity, dreams and visions in such a profound and reflective way. Voice Dialogue has transformed the way I perceive my life, self and others. Along with a meditation practice, it has for many years enhanced my relationships, provided a deep personal enrichment and awareness that has truly been an insightful and ongoing exploration. It is from my direct personal experience, that I am delighted to share my work with others, whether is involves life direction, a spiritual quest, an illness, business development, self empowerment or personal transformation.

About This Practice
Practicing Since 1982 Additional Modalities: Nutrition, Certified Spiritual Intelligence Assessment Coach, Biofeedback. Areas of Interest: Empowering others in personal transformation. * The most recent workshops.
MA, Psychology
International College
Granting Organization
BS, Nutrition
Donsbach University
Certified Coach SQi
Deep Change, Inc.
Jack Schwarz
Professional Background Jennifer has been a Voice Dialogue facilitator and trainer since 1982 and in private practice for 28 years. She was fortunate to train with Dr.'s Hal and Sidra Stone in the early 1980's with the original Sherman Oaks group, while enrolled in the Masters of Arts psychology degree program in Los Angeles, that incorporated Voice Dialogue Training. She was founder of the Voice Dialogue Training Center in Ketchum, Idaho, producing and facilitating numerous training events with Dr.'s Hal and Sidra Stone throughout the 1980's. Jennifer holds degrees in Nutrition and Psychology. She is a certified coach for SQi, (Spiritual Intelligence Assessment) an Integral theory-based emotional, cognitive, spiritual transformational process, which she uses in her practice with Voice Dialogue, nutritional/wellness elements, and biofeedback. Jennifer lives in Boulder, Colorado, and is available for facilitation and consulting in person, Skype or by phone.
Title Where When Hours / Days Teacher(s) International College MA program - Voice Dialogue Los Angeles, CA 1982-1984 Dr.'s Hal and Sidra Stone
Title Where When Hours / Days Teacher(s) Voice Dialogue and the Psychology of Selves
Teacher Training Los Angeles, California
February 1992
Dr.'s Hal and Sidra Stone Too many to list Los Angeles and Mendocino, CA, Ketchum, Idaho 1982-1992 Dr.'s Hal and Sidra Stone