Heather Howard, PhD, MPH (both in human sexuality)

Heather Howard

Center for Sexual Health and Rehabilitation

1199 Bush Street, Suite 650
San Francisco, CA



I have been practicing voice dialogue and learning how to utilize sexual response to manage my own pelvic pain condition for 11 years. I became a sexologist (which means I'm interested in what people do sexually and how they feel about what they do) to help people who have health challenges to adjust sexually.

My training as a sexologist is experiential and includes a sexual attitudes reassessment process (“SAR”), which I have both attended and facilitated. My work as a sexologist requires ongoing sexual self-assessment, in order to provide the safe, nonjudgmental space necessary for clients to explore their sexuality. I do this by living in my body, exposing myself to regular courses and workshops in personal growth and sexuality, and processing my own attitudes and beliefs.

Detailed information

About This Practice

Practicing Since 2004

Additional Modalities: Techniques borrowed from sensate focus, guided exploration & visualization, mindfulness, somatic experiencing, body dialogue, respectful confrontation.

Areas of Interest: As a sexologist, I use voice dialogue mainly for (1) promoting conscious embodiment in order to experience sexual pleasure, (2) obtaining permission and building a safe environment for sexual activity (3) safeguarding formerly traumatized selves during sexual interaction, (4) identifying and developing appropriate selves for sexual and intimate interaction, (5) accessing the voice of the body to manage pain, (6) helping couples to identify bonding patterns that affect sexual and intimate interaction.

Title/Field School Date
PhD, MPH (both in human sexuality) Institute for Advanced Study of Human Sexuality (IASHS) 2008, 2012
Type Granting Organization Date
Board Certified Sexologist American College of Sexologists 2008
Certified Sexuality Educator American Association of Sexuality Educators, Counselors and Therapists (AASECT) 6/2012
Certified Sexuality Counselor American Association of Sexuality Educators, Counselors and Therapists (AASECT) 7/2012
Professional Background
I am a clinical sexologist and mind-body health facilitator with training in human sexuality and the psychology of the selves. I employ a range of experiential techniques such as voice dialogue and body dialogue to facilitate sexual enrichment, sexual adjustment and pain management.

I work with individuals and couples and am experienced in working with a broad range of issues, including negative body image, sexual shame, low libido/ sexual desire, arousal/ erectile difficulty, orgasmic difficulty, fear of pain, discrepant sexual desire. I am best known for my work with pelvic, sexual and chronic pain; trauma/ sexual abuse; and helping couples to maintain intimacy during family building process (including fertility treatment, pregnancy and parenthood).

Basic Voice Dialogue Training(s)
TitleWhereWhenHours / DaysTeacher(s)
Private facilitation, weekend workshops (for Level I), and supervisionNew York, USA2001-2005> 150 hours totalDassie Hoffman
Easter Camp/ Level 2, Level 3Melbourne, Australia4/2004 - 8/200460 hours totalRobin and Paul Gale-Baker
Continuing Voice Dialogue Education*
TitleWhereWhenHours / DaysTeacher(s)
Dissertation chair & current clinical supervisor: somatic psychologist and sexologist2007-2008, 2011-2012Barnaby B. Barratt, PhD, DHS

* The most recent workshops.


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