Gloria Mog, MSW

Gloria Mog

The Stone House

6073 Arlington Blvd
Falls Church, VA


Voice Dialogue has been a welcome addition to a lifetime of study doing "parts" work. I enjoy incorporating it into individual, couples, group and supervision sessions whenever it seems appropriate. I find it personally very useful whenever I am stuck with a life dilemma or am not clear on where I want to go next with a client. I am very interested in the interface of spirituality with mental health, positive psychology and the use of metaphor, guided imagery, art, music and movement. Voice Dialogue is beautifully paired with all these varied approaches.


Detailed information

About This Practice

Practicing Since 2003

Additional Modalities: Internal Family Systems, Imago, EMDR, Psychodrama, Womens' Retreats

Areas of Interest: Clinical work individually and in groups with depression, anxiety, trauma, relationship difficulties

Title/Field School Date
MSW University of Michigan 1966
Title State Date
LCSW VA 1983
Type Granting Organization Date
Diplomate Board of BCD 1990
Psychodramatist Amer. Bd of Examiners in Psychodrama 1995
Imago Relationship Therapist Imago Relats. Internatl. 1998
Professional Background
Gloria Mog has over 45 years experience in the mental health field in a variety of inpatient and outpatient settings. Formerly Director of Social Work at Dominion Hospital (psychiatric), Gloria has been in private practice with The Stone House since 1989. Ms. Mog has had post-graduate training in group therapy at the Ohio State University School of Medicine, Gestalt Therapy at the Gestalt Institute of Cleveland, and family therapy with an affiliate member of the Ackermann Institute for Family Therapy. More recent interests have led her to do extensive training in psychodrama and sociometry, Imago Relationship Therapy, EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing), Voice Dialogue and Internal Family Systems. Gloria is the founder of WomenCircles, a project devoted to helping women develop and sustain personal growth and spiritual renewal through week-end retreats and workshops. She has provided supervision and consultation with graduate students, practitioners working towards licensure, and licensed professionals since 1978.

Ms. Mog has presented over 150 workshops locally, nationally, and internationally to professional and lay audiences. She has published articles and written extensively for a variety of newsletters. She has held top leadership positions with the American Society of Group Psychotherapy and Psychodrama, NASW, Mid-Atlantic Association for Imago Therapy, PTA, and school-related regional projects. Additionally, she is a member of the Greater Washington Society for Clinical Social Work, EMDRIA (EMDR International Association), and NASW.
Gloria received her Voice Dialogue training from Dorsey Cartwright in 2003 and remained in a consultation group with Dorsey for many years. She trained additionally with Ann Dobbertin and presented a workshop on the interface between Voice Dialogue and Psychodrama with Ann.
Basic Voice Dialogue Training(s)
TitleWhereWhenHours / DaysTeacher(s)
Voice Dialogue
I and II
Washington, DC200340 hours/6 daysDorsey Cartwright
Residential WeekCalifornia6/200645 hours/5 daysHal & Sidra Stone and Associates
Week-end WorkshopsWashington, DC2004-2011450 hours/9 daysDorsey Cartwright
Continuing Voice Dialogue Education*
TitleWhereWhenHours / DaysTeacher(s)
Consultation GroupTelephone/Metro DC6/2004 - 6/201060 hoursDorsey Cartwright

* The most recent workshops.


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