Doris Shannon, MBA

Doris Shannon

Great Minds Academy

1705 Monroe drive NE suite E5
Atlanta, GA


Consciousness first called my name, at the age of 21, when I learned my MBTI type (INTJ). But, it became my passion when I learned about Hal and Sidra's work, as I was becoming a True Purpose coach. With this new insight, I was able to identify my life's mission.

Detailed information

About This Practice

Practicing Since 2010
Teaching Since 2014

Additional Modalities: My consciousness programs include:The Deeper Dive, Clearing Beliefs,Conscious Aging, Finding True Purpose, Conscious Leaders, Great Minds don't Think Alike (MBTI)

Additional Modalities

Areas of Interest: I include Voice Dialogue sessions in my broad range of services: Services designed to help individual and groups understand the impact of consciousness on their success from the classroom to the board room and beyond.

Title/Field School Date
MBA Georgia State Univ 1987
Professional Background
After a full rich career as a human resources executive, mediator and adjunct university faculty member. In 2014 I began my purpose and her life's work as a Consciousness Coach.

Now I design and facilitate online individual and group consciousness training programs that include: videos, digital e-workbooks, group meetings, assessments, guided meditations and private Voice Dialogue sessions .
Basic Voice Dialogue Training(s)
TitleWhereWhenHours / DaysTeacher(s)
Introduction to mastery Voice Dialogue programs online USA2008-2014Tim Kelly, Lion Goodman
Continuing Voice Dialogue Education*
TitleWhereWhenHours / DaysTeacher(s)
Learning to Live Outside the Box!online USA20186 90-minute sessionsJ Tamar Stone

* The most recent workshops.


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