Doris Shannon, MBA, personal consciousness coach

Atlanta, GA
Email: Coach Doris
Website: Deep Coaching Portal
Then, in her 40s she became a True Purpose coach and was introduced to the findings of Hal and Sidra Stone.
Since then, she has not stopped learning, teaching and coaching people with proven methodologies they can begin using to identify, understand and transform behaviors of their mind.
Detailed information 

About This Practice
Coaching Since - 2000
Teaching Since -2008
Personal consciousness courses Since 2014

Additional Modalities Offered Include:
• Conversations with your Subconscious Mind
• BREAK FREE from limiting Beliefs
• Finding True Purpose
Areas of Interest: I include Voice Dialogue sessions in my broad range of services: Services designed to help individual and groups understand the impact of consciousness on their success from the classroom to the board room and beyond.
Title/Field | School | Date | MBA | Georgia State Univ | 1987 |
Professional Background |
After a full rich career as a human resources executive, mediator and adjunct university faculty member. In
2014 Coach Doris began her life's work as a personal consciousness coach. Now she designs and facilitates online individual and group personal consciousness training courses that include: videos, group sessions, downloadable tools, guided meditations and private facilitation/coaching sessions. |
Title | Where | When | Teacher(s) |
True Purpose Coach Training | online | 2010 | Tim Kelly, Beth Scanzani |
From Introduction-Mastery | online | 2008-2014 | Tim Kelly, Lion Goodman |
Higher Guidance Training=Shift Network | online | 2013 | Tim Kelly |
Inner Harmoney Training- Shift Network | online | 2014 | Tim Kelly |
Clear Belief coach training 2014 | online | 2014 | Lion Goodman |
Title | Where | When | Hours / Days | Teacher(s) |
Learning to Live Outside the Box! | online | 2018 | 6- 90 minute sessions | Tamar Stone |
Introductions to Voice Dialogue | online | 2024 | 8 sessions | Tamar Stone |
Barrett Academy cultural values/ consciousness | online | 2018 | Consultant | |
Transform your Inner-Critic | online | 2024 | 8 sessions | Tim Kelly |
Licensed Inner- Harmony Coach Upgrade your Psyche course | online | Feb 2025 | 8-10 sessions | Tim Kelly, Beth Scanzani |
Title | Where | When | Teacher(s) |
Introduction to mastery Voice Dialogue programs | online USA | 2008-2014 | Tim Kelly, Lion Goodman |
Title | Where | When | Hours / Days | Teacher(s) |
Learning to Live Outside the Box! | online USA | 2018 | 6 90-minute sessions | J Tamar Stone |
* The most recent workshops.