Cynthia Hymowitz, MFT, MA

Cynthia Hymowitz, MFT

1023 College Ave.
Santa Rosa, CA


Facilitating (and attending) Voice Dialogue workshops and trainings has always been an inspiring, joyfull, and spiritual experience for me. Unexpected things happen as we witness each others healing and transformation. Recognition of the universality of our human-ness evokes deep compassion for each other and for our ”selves”. This creates an incredibly safe, creative, yummy, and sacred space.

I have been receiving, facilitating and teaching Voice Dialogue for (yikes) almost thirty years. This process continues to be alive in me and sharing it with others a delight.

In addition to private sessions, I offer workshops and groups that combine Voice Dialogue with Archetype Collage, Authentic Movement and other body/soul modalities. I’m currently working in partnership with Debora Morris, offering programs exploring the challenges of aging with Courage, Grace & Authenticity.


Detailed information

About This Practice

Practicing Since 1985
Teaching Since 1986

Offering Continuing Education Credits

Additional Modalities:
Archetype Collage
Authentic Movement


Title/Field School Date
MA Pacifica Graduate Institute 1990
Title State Date
MFT California 1992
Professional Background
I am a native New Yorker. I graduated from Brooklyn College with a BA in art, planning to be an art teacher and painter. By 1982 however, I found myself in California, working as a Hellerwork Bodywork Practitioner and teaching in the Hellerwork Practitioner Training. Thus began my own education in the body/mind/spirit connection.
It was in the Hellerwork Training that I was introduced to Voice Dialogue, which I immediately recognized as the language of my soul.
After my initial exposure to Voice Dialogue, I spent the next few years working with Hal & Sidra Stone as often as I could. I attended workshops, their Summer Kamps and then on staff at Trainings and Retreats. In addition I exchanged weekly sessions with Catherine Keir and reaped the benefits of doing my own personal work in this method.
By 1985 I recognized that working with people in this way was my true calling. This led me to the decision to go to Pacific Graduate Institute, a graduate school specializing in “Soul Tending” and Depth Psychology. In 1992 I became a licensed Marriage & Family Therapist. During this time I co-created the Archetype Collage work with Virginia Fauvre, initially as a tool for my own personal use and then offering workshops and writing my master thesis on this process.
Over the years I learned many important things that I have integrated into my Psychotherapy practice. Particularly interesting has been the study of Attachment Theory, EMDR (a trauma resolution method ) and the Body/Soul work of Marion Woodman.
Dreamwork, Authentic Movement, and Creative Art process are modes that I have found to be significant portals into both the personal and collectivel wisdom of the unconscious. Moving with this flow creates a partnership that allows for unexpected riches to emerge.
Everything I have learned over these past decades has supported and worked in a synergistic way with my Voice Dialogue Training.
In addition to working individually with clients, it is my passion to teach Voice Dialogue and lead groups integrating these various modalities.
Beginning in 2014, in partnership with Deborah Morris I will be offering workshops on PASSIONATE AGING - an exploration of aging with courage, grace & authenticity. I look forward to co-creating this program with Deborah and with participants interested in embracing the opportunities and challenges of this next stage of life.

Basic Voice Dialogue Training(s)
TitleWhereWhenHours / DaysTeacher(s)
Voice Dialogue WorkshopsLos Angeles, Bay Area1984 - 1986Various One Day WorkshopsDr. Hal Stone
Summer KampsSherman Oaks, CA1984 - 198710 day programsDrs. Hal & Sidra Stone
Continuing Voice Dialogue Education*
TitleWhereWhenHours / DaysTeacher(s)
Summer KampPhilo. CA199410 daysDrs. Hal & Sidra Stone & Kamp Staff
Thera IntensiveAlbion, CA20036 daysDrs. Hal & Sidra Stone

* The most recent workshops.


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