Barbara Lovejoy, MSW Degree - Clinical Social Work

Barbara Lovejoy

Claim Joy!

SF Bay Area
Marin County, California


It gives me great joy to share with others the tools and benefits of my own forty plus years of personal work and professional training in the areas of personal and spiritual growth, healing and transformation. Voice Dialogue radically transformed and upgraded the quality of my own life and professional offerings when I was first introduced to it in 1990, by Drs. Hal and Sidra Stone, especially the work with Embracing The Inner Critic and the use of expressive arts therapy. I find that Voice Dialogue greatly speeds up the rate at which positive, lasting change is possible...and it's an approach that is fun while offering deep insights into the question of "Who am I ?" I offer a client-centered, intuitive, compassionate approach that provides a safe space for personal inquiry and process. Voice Dialogue may be done by itself or combined with any of my other services. Please feel free to contact me for a complimentary phone consult to see if working together is the next step for you.

Languages Spoken: English

Detailed information

About This Practice

Practicing Since 1990

Additional Modalities: Counseling and Life Coaching for body-mind-heart-spirit, Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT); The Sedona Method© for Letting Go; Qigong (Chi Gong); Reiki and energy healing; guided visualization; meditation, breath work and stress release.

Areas of Interest: Self-awareness, acceptance and integration of all parts of ourselves, and releasing what's in the way (i.e. The Inner Critic, etc.), following one's own authentic, unique path of joy, well-being, fulfillment and inner peace; women's self-empowerment; Life Balance and Stress Release; connecting with True Nature.

Title/Field School Date
MSW Degree - Clinical Social Work UCLA 1988
Type Granting Organization Date
Certified Life Coach The Coaches Training Institute 1997
Reiki--2nd Degree Level Usui Shiki Ryoho 6/20/2009
Clinical Hypnosis Medical Hypnosis Seminars 9/15/1991
Professional Background
Since 1972, Barbara has professionally facilitated a wide variety of modalities and programs for individuals and groups, to support healing, growth, transformation and embodied integration of body-heart-mind-spirit. Her major areas of focus include: following one's own authentic, unique path of joy, well-being, fulfillment and inner peace; women's self-empowerment; self-love and acceptance (which includes Inner Critic work); Life Balance and Stress Release; connecting with True Nature.

Voice Dialogue has been a major modality used in her counseling and life coaching practice since her initial training in 1990 with Drs. Hal & Sidra Stone, used by itself or in conjunction with other modalities. She has presented Voice Dialogue workshops for the annual conference of the Association For The Study of Dreams, the annual conference of the California Association of Marriage and Family Therapists, and the annual conference of the International Society of Expressive Arts Therapists.

She has presented her programs in Claiming Joy, Life Balance and Stress Release for clients nation-wide, including:
Make-A-Wish Foundation of America national conference; International Coaches Federation national conference; American Academy of Pediatrics conferences, East Bay Women in Business Roundtable; International Association of Business Communicators International Conference; College of Alameda; and Unity Center.

Barbara is a former Chairperson of the Graduate School of Holistic Studies at John F. Kennedy University, where she also served as Adjunct Faculty, and presented courses in their School of Liberal Arts. She has retired her LCSW License for psychotherapy.

Other modalities offered include: Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT); The Sedona Method© for Letting Go; Qigong (Chi Gong); Reiki and energy healing; guided visualization; meditation, breath work and stress release.

Barbara offers sessions in person in the Marin County area, by phone or Skype, and is available to travel for group presentations.
Basic Voice Dialogue Training(s)
TitleWhereWhenHours / DaysTeacher(s)
Residential Voice Dialogue Training Philo, California - USA06/1990 - 07/199061.5 hoursHal Stone, Ph.D. & Sidra Stone, Ph.D.
Residential Voice Dialogue and the Psychology of Selves Training Philo, California - USA06/93 - 07 - 93 64 hoursHal Stone, Ph.D. & Sidra Stone, Ph.D.
Continuing Voice Dialogue Education*
TitleWhereWhenHours / DaysTeacher(s)
Various VD sessions, lectures, training books, etc. over the years

* The most recent workshops.


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