The Voice Dialogue Anthology
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The Voice Dialogue Anthology

The Voice Dialogue Anthology

Explorations Of The Psychology Of Selves And The Aware Ego Process

We feel a sense of deep satisfaction as we look through the articles that are included in this Voice Dialogue Anthology. For us, it represents the flowering of a garden that was planted many years ago and has come into full maturity, a garden that gives food for the mind, the body, and the soul. It is truly a time to enjoy what has grown up around us; the Table of Contents will give you an idea of what is available. Each of the twenty contributors has taken our work and built upon it - some working exclusively with the basic teachings and others combining it with other modalities or carrying it into entirely new fields - and each has created something new and wonderful. We feel privileged to have been a part of their journeys and honored that our work has contributed to their own work and lives. Take a moment to meet them and see what they bring to this work! Dassie Hoffman has given a truly remarkable gift to the international Voice Dialogue community by creating this valuable collection of reference material.

SECTION I: What Is Voice Dialogue?
The Basic Elements of Voice Dialogue, Relationship, and the Psychology of Selves – Their Origins and Development
SECTION II: Voice Dialogue and Other Modalities
J. TAMAR STONE, MA, RPSY: The Body: A Path to Presence
DASSIE HOFFMAN, PHD: Dancing With the Selves
JASON BENNETT, BFA: Doctors Hal and Sidra Stone’s Work Revolutionizes Performer Training
JUDITH HENDIN, PHD: Conscious Body and the Energy Medicine of Selves
CAROLYN CONGER, PHD: Voice Dialogue DreamWork
MIRIAM DYAK, BA, CC: REGISTERED COUNSELOR: A Journey Into the Realm of the Unconscious: Voice Dialogue Sand Play Work
SECTION III: Practical Applications in Everyday Life
MARTHA-LOU WOLFF, PHD: Tending our Aware Ego Process in Daily Life
RUTH BERLIN, LCSW-C: Advocacy and the Psychology of the Aware Ego
YOLANDA KOUMIDOU-VLESMAS, LCSW: The Inner Eater Selves Integrating the Parts of the Personality Involved in Eating
CATHERINE KEIR, BA, CC: Finding My Stripes
MARY DISHAROON, MA, LMFT: Conscious Eating Selves Work:
Expand Your Self System to Transcend the Status Quo
SECTION I: What Differentiates the Psychology of the Aware Ego from Other Systems?
MIRIAM DYAK, BA, CC: Voice Dialogue:
The Essential Difference SECTION II: Voice Dialogue and Other Theoretical Systems
PAUL ABELL, PHD: Integrating Voice Dialogue and Chinese Five-Element Theory
GABRIELLE PINTO, BSC, RS HOM: Homeopathy and Voice Dialogue
GENEVIÈVE CAILLOUX, IDF, AND PIERRE CAUVIN, IDF: Intelligence of Self: Voice Dialogue and Personality Type
J’AIME ONA PANGAIA, RN: The Psychic Fingerprint: Voice Dialogue Seen from a James Hillman and Depth Psychology Perspective
LEANNE DOUGHERTY, DSW, LCSW: The Brain and the Aware Ego Process
ANA BARNER: Transpersonal Dialogue: Voice Dialogue as a Transformative Practice
DORSEY CARTWRIGHT, LMFT: The Convergence of Voice Dialogue and Imago Relationship Therapy

The Basic Elements of Voice Dialogue
Voice Dialogue IntroductionVoice Dialogue IntroductionVoice Dialogue Introduction
A Fireside Chat
Article by Sidra Stone

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