The Path of Relationship
The Path of Relationship
The Path of Relationship — softcover
The Life and Work of Drs. Hal and Sidra Stone
by Dianne Braden
$24.00 Available on Amazon

As we look back over the arc of our lives - the lives we lived separately before we met and the life we've shared for the past forty-five years - we feel blessed. It's been a long, complex, and eventful journey - not always an easy one - for each of us. And our sharing of this journey with Dianne Braden has been an adventure in itself.
Our work and our relationship were inextricably intertwined from the day we met. Our lives, and the challenges they presented, informed our work; and our work, in turn, enriched our lives. It has been a remarkably creative and deeply loving partnership. Dianne's background as a Jungian analyst, a writer, and as a facilitator and teacher of our work gives her a unique understanding of our story. And her sensitivity and enthusiastic receptivity encouraged us to trust her with it. We're so glad that we did and we encourage you to read, and enjoy, our story and her book.

—Sidra & Hal Stone

"Although commonplace in therapeutic circles now, in the early 1970's, when the Stones were developing their work, working with inner selves was not even being considered. The Stones have taken the Jungian concept of archetypal images and made them come alive, turning selves from concepts into healing realities. They have developed Voice Dialogue and the Psychology of Selves into a full-blown psychotherapeutic system. They have held the flag for dream work and perhaps more than that. Hal and Sidra have lived the work and played an important role in the counter culture of America. Combining European Jungian work and a Cognitive Behavioral approach, they translated what they discovered into a democratic, plain-language depth therapy, perfect for the 21st century. They have lived as artists. Bless them both and my friend Dianne for recording their journey for us."
—Martin Pollecoff, Chair, United Kingdom Council of Psychotherapy

A quote from the Prologue: "We live in a world where the shadows and difficulties of our humanity get a lot more press than our nobility. When we struggle with our cruelty and tendency toward destruction, perhaps in the end our capacity to love will count for something, redeem us in the eyes of future generations who will surpass us in compassion and self-control. At least I hope so.
The people who awaken this kind of love, who inspire us to pull together- rather than apart, fascinate me. I'm curious about how the Stones managed this feat. What they contributed to consciousness, where their work fits in consciousness literature, and how they created a worldwide loving community is contained on the rest of these pages.
Let me share the story with you."

—Dianne Braden

The Basic Elements of Voice Dialogue
Voice Dialogue IntroductionVoice Dialogue IntroductionVoice Dialogue Introduction
A Fireside Chat
Article by Sidra Stone

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