The Fireside Chats with Hal and Sidra Stone
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The Fireside Chats with Hal and Sidra Stone

The Fireside Chats with Hal and Sidra Stone

Editing and Reflections by Dianne Braden

In the spring of 2009, Hal & Sidra Stone met with a small group of colleagues in a large house that overlooked the Pacific and, as they sat before the fire, they took time to think about their lives and the lives of others that have touched them over the years. They took time to share their stories - and what they have learned - in an intimate series of conversations. They talked about life and death, the challenges and rewards of aging, relationship and psycho-spiritual growth, illness and health, the gift of dreams, and the ever-present golden thread of meaning in the evolution of personal and global consciousness.

This is a time for these kinds of informal conversations. There is a deep longing for the universal, for meaning, and for spirit in these times of brilliant discoveries and breathtakingly rapid technological advances. Life has become longer, more complex, and - in many challenging new ways - more demanding. The gifts have been incredible, but the human spirit needs to catch up. It is time to tap into the accumulated wisdom of the consciousness seekers of this world: those who carry the stories that speak to our souls.

Dianne Braden, a Jungian analyst, crafted a beautiful book based on these four mornings, masterfully re-creating this very special moment in time. Her narrative will transport you to a room overlooking the ocean; you will join with Hal and Sidra as they speak, and you will feel the ocean, the fog, and the sunshine, as they become part of the rhythm of each morning. And Dianne's observations and reflections will add another dimension to their words and to your experience of these meetings - bringing it all fully alive and greatly enriching the time you will spend with them.

The Basic Elements of Voice Dialogue
Voice Dialogue IntroductionVoice Dialogue IntroductionVoice Dialogue Introduction
A Fireside Chat
Article by Sidra Stone

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