Reflections on Aging
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Reflections on Aging

— mp3

Our newest mp3, "Reflections on Aging," is an informal three-hours of spontaneous conversation about aging.

In it, we talk about both the challenges and the rewards of aging: how it impacts the body, mind, and spirit and how rich it can be when combined with a sense of process and a commitment to consciousness, to growth and to the exploration of the new paths that stretch out before us at this time of life. We talk about our encounters with new vulnerabilities and with gifts of new and unexpected strengths.

We are not certified experts on any aspect of aging, but we have walked the path thus far and - at the ages of 78 and 87 - we can share with those who come along behind us just how this part of life's journey has been for us. And we hope that there will be followups as we move along into our more senior years.

Since our lives have been about the development of consciousness, we are particularly interested in how this affects our:
  • Personal Growth
  • Relationships
  • Dream Process
  • Aware Ego Process
  • Relationship to the Transpersonal (Source Field, God, Spirit)
  • Consciousness Process
  • Feelings about death and dying

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    "Reflections On Aging" was recorded and produced at The Peter Temple Studio - a wonderful sound studio here in Albion; the photograph we used was taken by an old friend, David Bolliger; and the music was written and played by a local musician, Todd Walton.
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