Jogen Salzberg

Jogen Salzberg

SolisLuna Integrated Awareness


My passion in life is opening up spiritually and emotionally, to be alive and awake in the world and helping others to do that, too.

I love fresh discoveries about who I am and who others are. And I love not-knowing who I am or who others are— I thrive on the openness that thrives on me having no conclusions.

For me the ways of awareness are compelling and empowering as an ally in playfulness and empathy.
Spaciousness excites me not as an end in itself but as a welcoming field for life’s colors to shimmer through.

My heart aches with the lovelessness, anxiety and alienation that is experienced by so many of us. And as cultural crises seem to accelerate and as wounds are opened and scars are brought to light, my conviction in the value and contribution of each of our work in emotional and spiritual maturity has only deepened.

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Detailed information

About This Practice

Practicing Since 2010

Additional Modalities: Buddhist meditation, Process Work, Paratheatre (

Areas of Interest: Working at the intersection and with the synergy of spiritual awakening/non-duality and voice dialogue/ soul work.

The mutually enlivening practices of meditation and voice dialogue.

Professional Background
I'm a Zen Buddhist teacher with full teaching authorization in the Soto Zen lineage from Jan Chozen Bays, Roshi. I've practiced meditation for over 25 years including 15 years of full time residential practice and study in a Zen Buddhist monastery.

Over four years of my time in the monastery was spent in intensive silent meditation retreat. Additionally, I've done extensive practice and study in the non-dual meditation tradition of Dzogchen, as well as Voice Dialogue, Process Work and Realization Process with Judith Blackstone.

Since 2007 I've taught classes, led retreats and worked one on one with hundreds of students at Reed College, Emory University, Zen Community of Oregon, where I still teach, and more.

I began studying and practicing Voice Dialogue in 2003 with Hogen Bays, Roshi, and Jan Chozen Bays, Roshi, both of whom studied directly with Hal and Sidra Stone.
Basic Voice Dialogue Training(s)
TitleWhereWhenHours / DaysTeacher(s)
Facilitators Training Level 1 and 2Clatskanie, Oregon20076 DaysJ'aime ona Pangaia
Facilitator TrainingOnline2021170 HoursMiriam Dyak & Cassandra De Pree
Continuing Voice Dialogue Education*
TitleWhereWhenHours / DaysTeacher(s)
SupervisionOnline2023 - presentJ'aime ona Pangaia

* The most recent workshops.


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