J'aime ona Pangaia, A.D. Nursing, A.D, L.A.

J'aime ona Pangaia

Voice Dialogue Center NW

3647 SE Ogden Street
Portland, OR



I am a Voice Dialogue teacher, trainer and practitioner, starting from 1985 and the author of the book "An Introduction to Voice Dialogue: Finding the Benefit of People Who Bug You." I post current writings at facebook.com/VoiceDialogueJaimeonaPangaia/ By invitation, I provide experiential Voice Dialogue retreats in Oregon and internationally in Thailand, France, Belgium, Great Britain and Germany and I train new facilitators through a 2 year, in depth program called the Transformational Arts Program & Facilitator's Training. Tis program is also attended by those who want to be in a small closed group process for learning and inner change. This program includes learning several different styled Dream Processes, Voice Dialogue, Archetypal Studies, Non-dual contemplative practices and Creative Arts Expression.

Other programs I teach include "Honoring Dreaming" (an introduction to Jungian style dream process) and "Dreaming the Creative Self" (a nondual, contemplative dream process with arts practice/learning in the afternoons) and "The Practice" (experiencing Voice Dialogue within a group facilitation process) and training in the Group Voice Dialogue Facilitation Method.

Languages Spoken: English

Detailed information

About This Practice

Practicing Since 1985
Teaching Since 1989

Offering Continuing Education Credits: Possible for certain programs

Additional Modalities: My work is a synthesis of teaching/practicing the psychology of Voice Dialogue, Archetypal Psychology, the Work of Byron Katie and Non-dualism. These all fit together quite well. My focus is not on situational problem solving but on cultivating an accessible experience of quiet, non-judgement Awareness within all the various ways of being you (the 'selves'). The only problems anyone ever has, is being identified with a fixed way of being.

Areas of Interest: Working with people who are knowingly on a psycho-spiritual path. Personally, I am also a life long contemplative gardener, an abstract painter & art teacher and a devoted friend with animals, nature.

Professional Background: Early career: registered nurse, business owner. Later career, Voice Dialogue facilitator, international teacher and trainer, published author.

Title/Field School Date
A.D. Nursing, A.D, L.A. Monroe Community 1980
Title State Date
RN New York 1980
Basic Voice Dialogue Training(s)
TitleWhereWhenHours / DaysTeacher(s)
Beginning and intermediate Voice DialogueNew York, NY1985 - 1987weekly classesAnna Ivara
SummerkampPhilo, CA1988 - 199414 day retreats, every yearHal and Sidra Stone + staff
Level II, IIIAlbion, CA1994 - 20095 day retreats, as staff primarilyHal and Sidra Stone
Archetypal Pattern StudiesPortland OR & Brattelboro VT12/04 - 10/08quarterly 3 day intensives + weekly mentoringMichael Conforti, PhD.
Cross Cultural Shamanic StudiesNY, OR, CA1985 - 19963, 5 or 10 day retreats, bi-annuallyMichael Harner, Ph.D, Leslie Conton, Ph.D, Sandra Ingerman, MSW
Continuing Voice Dialogue Education*
TitleWhereWhenHours / DaysTeacher(s)
Level II & IIIAlbion, CA1994 - 2009staffing at 5 day programsHal and Sidra Stone
SummerkampPhilo, CA1994staffed 14 day programHal and Sidra Stone

* The most recent workshops.


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