Dave Cesana

Portland, OR
United States
503 750-5449
Those reflections led me to complete a year-long Integral Coaching program in which I acquired skills in listening deeply, adapting and responding to my clients’ unique needs and situations. I also continued with more advanced training in Voice Dialogue, and that has proven to be immensely relevant and helpful to my clients. I at last discovered the deeper sense of myself and true purpose I had been longing for. I now find great joy and fulfillment in supporting each client on their unique journey - discovering blocks, developing new capacities, and revealing gifts toward living the life THEY truly desire.

About This Practice
Practicing Since 1994 Additional Modalities:
Granting Organization
Certified Integral Life Coach
New Ventures West
Professional Background As a Certified Integral Coach, my desire is to help others walk their path with greater fulfillment and sense of purpose. To the discipline of coaching, I bring many years of education and experiences, with an emphasis on my years of experience in Voice Dialogue. I was introduced to Voice Dialogue in the early 1980's with a therapist I was seeing and fell in love with the work. I continued being facilitated in that modality for years and took a training workshop with Hal and Sidra when I decided to train more in this modality. I was an apprentice with Gloria Manon, a trained Voice Dialogue facilitator and proceeded to assist her in group work in this modality for over 2 years. Since then, I have trained with Tamar Stone in 3 different advanced training workshops, and continue to use V.D. in my Coaching practice. I also lead a Gay men's support group and sometimes use V.D. in group sessions. I have also had training in Reiki and various healing therapies, as well as participated in men's spiritual healing groups, and been a student of A Course in Miracles. Together with work in theater and the food service industry, I have learned much about humanity, including how similar yet unique we all are and our need of being truly seen and heard. My extensive trainings and experiences have prepared me to listen deeply, adapt, and respond to my clients’ unique needs and situations with insight and compassion. Together we discover blocks, develop new capacities, and reveal gifts toward living the life they truly desire.
Title Where When Hours / Days Teacher(s) Voice Dialogue - Basic training workshop Los Angeles, Ca. 1992 4 days Hal and Sidra Stone Voice Dialogue facilitator training - Apprenticeship Boulder, Co. 1993 - 1994 Weekly for 2 years Gloria Manon
Title Where When Hours / Days Teacher(s) Voice Dialogue facilitation Level 1-3 Practitioner Empowerment training Boulder, Co. 2021 - 2022 100 hours Tamar Stone