Bonnie L. Pfeiffer M.A.

Bonnie L. Pfeiffer M.A.

Ashland, OR
United States

(541) 658-2088

Working with clients for over 35 years now, I only continue to grow in my respect and gratitude for Voice Dialogue as the years go by. Not only has it been the most healing & powerfully life-changing/life-enriching process I have ever come across and experienced, but this has also been the case for so, so many of the clients that have found their way to this work and found resonance with it. I feel truly blessed to have found my calling with Voice Dialogue and I am immensely grateful for the opportunity to continue bringing this powerful work out into the world to others.

Detailed information

About This Practice

Practicing Since 2002
Teaching Since 2002

Type Granting Organization Date
Master Dream Patterning Analyst The Assisi Institute 2016
Option Process® Mentor/Counselor The Option Institute 1992
Son-Rise® Program Teacher The Autism Treatment Center of America 1987
Professional Background
From 1985-1993 Bonnie was a Senior Son-Rise® Family Program Teacher and Option Process® Mentor/Counselor at The Option Institute & Autism Treatment Center of America. She worked with families and individuals from all over the world, trained & supervised staff in training, and served on the Board of Directors. In 1993 she moved to the West Coast and went into private practice.

In 1998 Bonnie was introduced to Voice Dialogue and in 2002 began formal training with Drs. Hal & Sidra Stone, studying with them extensively over the next 7 years. During this time she also trained at several other prominent Voice Dialogue Teaching Centers. She then continued to work with the Stones' regularly by phone, as well as visiting them yearly for extensive Voice Dialogue work to continue and deepen her professional and personal process, which she continues to this day.

In 2009 Bonnie began study with The Assisi Institute: The International Center for the Study of Archetypal Patterns, completing both their Archetypal Pattern Analyst and Archetypal Dream Patterning Analyst Training Programs. She is currently a Senior Advisor & Mentor for the Beginning, Advanced & Master Level Archetypal Dream Pattern Students in Training.

A Senior Voice Dialogue Teacher & Facilitator, Bonnie maintains a private practice working locally in Ashland, Oregon, as well as offering private sessions by phone & Skype/Zoom. In addition she facilitates 3-5 day Voice Dialogue Intensives for individuals & couples.
Basic Voice Dialogue Training(s)
TitleWhereWhenHours / DaysTeacher(s)
Voice Dialogue, Relationship, and the Psychology of Selves Intensive Training Levels II/IIIAlbion, CA United - States12/2002-4/2009216 hours / 30 daysDrs. Hal & Sidra Stone
Voice Dialogue, Energetics, and The Aware Ego ProcessPasadena, CA - United States04/200335 hours / 6 daysMartha-Lou Wolff, PhD & Marsha Sheldon & Lawrence Novick PhD
Voice Dialogue, The Psychology of Selves and The Aware Ego Process Intensive Training Level 2Denver, Colorado - United States11/200334 hours / 5 daysTamar Stone, MA, CHT & Francesca Starr, Ph.D
Voice Dialogue FacilitationSeattle, Washington - United States11/2003-12/200336 hours / 6 daysMiriam Dyak
Voice Dialogue Train-The-Trainer Facilitation TrainingBoulder, Colorado - United States01/200624 hours / 3 daysTamar Stone, MA, C.H.T.
Continuing Voice Dialogue Education*
TitleWhereWhenHours / DaysTeacher(s)
Voice Dialogue SupervisionOnline/Skype2014-2018Ongoing Supervision and ClassesMartha-Lou Wolfe, PhD
Voice Dialogue Dream SupervisionTeleconference Calls2015, 2017-2018Monthly Supervision CallsTamar Stone, MA, C.H.T.
The Intelligence of Self © Voice Dialogue & Types Level 1 TrainingAustin, Texas - United States04/201436 hours / 6 daysGenevieve Cailloux & Pierre Chauvin

* The most recent workshops.


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