Voice Dialogue UK

Voice Dialogue UK
2 Alexandra Road
Richmond, Surrey

+44 (0)7941 141377


Trainings and private sessions take place in my home - a 145 year old Victorian cottage located in Kew, near Richmond in the West of London. This quiet, leafy suburb has good rail and road links and is only 45 minutes by underground from central London. The house has a very grounded and clear feeling, and provides a safe container in which people can do their work. When I was looking for a place to put down my roots this house spoke directly to my heart and there was no doubt that I would create a centre for Voice Dialogue here. Each workshop I run puts more good energy into the building.

Kew Village is 5 minutes walk away with local shops and cafes. Kew Gardens - a World Heritage Site - is also nearby spreading out along the banks of the River Thames. You would never guess you were so near the buzz of a big capital city. There is a choice of local hotels, guesthouses and bed and breakfasts, and the general ambiance is friendly and welcoming.

Detailed information
About This Center

Discover and explore the amazing array of inner selves that inhabit your being. John and Michael offer small group workshops in a comfortable and private environment.

Facilitator Training
How does a Voice Dialogue session work? How can you access and facilitate the selves? What skills do you need to develop to be a facilitator? What makes the process safe?

Building Healthy Relationships
Has the spark gone out of your relationship? Do you feel stuck? Do you find yourself getting into the same arguments again and again? Are you looking for new ways that you can relate to each other?

Working with Dreams
Do you remember your dreams? If so, do they seem strange, incomprehensible and even frightening at times? Are they just bizarre and meaningless imaginings of your sleeping mind? Or are there important messages for you contained within them?

Meet Your Inner Critic
Are you aware of your Inner Critic? If so, what has it been telling you about yourself lately? How do you feel about what it says to you? Why do you have such an inner voice criticizing you?

Know Your Selves
Do you ever give yourself a hard time? Is it a struggle for you to get the right work-life balance? Do you have trouble maintaining satisfying relationships? Do you sometimes feel anxious and vulnerable behind your mask of confidence?

In House Workshops
We can run the following workshop for members of your organisation at a location suitable for you.

Free Demonstration Evenings
What is Voice Dialogue? Where did it come from? What is the "Psychology of Selves"? What is the "Aware Ego Process"?

Private sessions
John and Michael conduct private sessions with individuals and couples.

Online schedule available at  www.voicedialogue.org.uk

Staff Members

John Kent - Director
Born in London, John has lived and worked as a communication trainer, seminar leader and facilitator in Europe, Africa, Asia, South America and USA. He has over 30 years experience in developing and delivering intensive seminars that help participants improve both intra-personal and interpersonal communication. He has worked with corporate, academic, medical and scientific organizations as well as many private clients.

John has studied Voice Dialogue with its creators, Drs. Hal & Sidra Stone, in the USA and Europe. From 1991 to 1995 he co-founded the Voice Dialogue Centre of Tucson, Arizona and taught Voice Dialogue in San Francisco.

Michael Zimmerman - Associate
Michael spent 10 years in business before developing a career in the massage industry. For nearly 20 years he has practiced privately and in the corporate sector. He runs professional training and business skills workshops across the UK and in Europe, and is a regular speaker at complementary and alternative medicine shows.

Michael began his training with John in 2004 and now, in addition to his massage work, he facilitates private clients in Central London and assists John on the Voice Dialogue facilitator workshops.


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